

Technology… Internet, more specifically, an amazing tool. Right?
Being without internet makes us realise just how much we have come to depend on technology.

I had no internet for 4 days (yea, only 4 days!!), and no matter what I thought was wrong, or tried to fix it, nothing worked. And I just got more frustrated and confused…
Frustrated – ’cause I could do nothing that I wanted to, or thought I needed to do….
Confused – ’cause I couldn’t find the cause of the problem….
Eventually, I took the tablet to the experts…who took only 10/15 minutes to fix it!! And, only to be told the network got blocked somehow!! How on earth….!?

But this got me thinking….
We don’t miss something we don’t know or have, and once we have it we have no idea how we managed without it!

We can draw his back to our relationship with God.  To know about God is not the same as knowing Him and getting to know Him in all His fullness and splendour.
Our relationship with Him, once we are saved, should be so special, so intimate that we don’t know how we ever managed without Him in our lives.
Once we make God a central part of our lives, we must be able to say, every day:-
“I don’t know how I ever got along, or got through anything in my life without You in it, Lord.  Thank you, Lord, for being in my life.”